sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2008

Aprendendo a ensinar?

Definindo o nivel do aluno num curso de Ingles (para criar uma boa aula num curso em Portugues, ver o post A Estrutura de uma Aula

Esse topico é uma resposta a uma jovem professora, vou postar aqui porque pode ser útil para mais alguem. E outros podem contribuir com sua experiencia.

A melhor resposta a essa pergunta eu obtive de voce mesma; "um professor é uma aluno mais adiantado, que partilha seu saber e ajuda o aluno a estudar!" :)

Antes de mais nada é importante definir o nível do aluno, essa divisao de materia é variavel e dependera do metodo escolhido. Aqui vai uma sugestao, mas pessoalmente prefiro os métodos que me permitem apresentar algumas nocoes de presente, em seguida passado e em seguida futuro, para o aluno adquirir mais liberdade com o idioma logo de inicio. Mas existem controversias.

Por exemplo, o fato do To Have só aparecer no Lower Intermediate nao quer dizer que nao tenha entrado antes, mas que vai ser estudado ou de uma maneira mais aprofundada mais tarde ou em outro contexto.

Essa divisao é do ABA English


Para o aluno que esta comecando do zero (O aluno vai adquirir em média 500 palavras nesse nível)

- Personal pronouns

- The verb To be in the simple present

- Contractions with the verb to be

- Articles and nouns

- Greeting

- The alphabet and the spelling

- Numbers

- Telling the time

- Days, months, ordinal numbers and dates

- How to speak on the phone

- Question tags with the verb to be

Simple Present

- The auxiliary verb to do

- Adverbs of frequency - always, sometimes, ...

- What, which, ...
How, what ... Like
Who, where

- In, at, on as prepositions of place

- Why, when
In, at, on as time prepositions

Question tags with the verb to do


Para alunos que já possuem algum conhecimento de Ingles tambem chamados de falsos principiantes (devera adquirir uma média de 600 palavras nesse nivel)

- The verb to have in the affirmative

- To have in questions and negative sentences

- Some , any

- There is - There are

- Adverbs of quantity - much, many, ...

- Possessive adjectives - my, your, ...

- Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives - this, that, ...

- The possessive form

- Possessive pronouns - mine, yours, ...

- Object pronouns - me, you, ...

- Qualifying adjectives -
big, good, high, ...

- How to express age

- Present Continuous

- Present Continuous and Simple Present

- Future with Simple Present and Present Continuous

- Future with will

- Shall for offer and suggestions

- Request with will and would

- Future with going to

Para quem tem um nível médio de Ingles (deve possuir um vocabulario de 600 palavras aproximadamente ao fim desse nível)

- Modal verbs
Can: questions, requests and permission

- Polite requests - Could you ...?, May I ...?
Questions with modal verbs

- Must and to have to

- Questions with must and to have to

- Negative sentences must, should, ...

- to be in the Simple Past in the negative

- Conditional sentences with the present

- Conditional sentences with the future

- Conditional sentences with will - can, must, may, might

- if - unless, in case, ...

- to be in the Simple Past in the affirmative

- to be in the Simple Past in questions and answers

- there is - there are in the simple past

- Regular verbs

- Regular verbs in Simple Past

- Irregular verbs

- Irregular verbs in the Simple Past

- Simple Past in questions and negative sentences

- can in Simple Past

- to have to in the Simple Past

- Question tags in the simple past

Para alunos com alto nível de conhecimento de Ingles (neste nível o aluno tera palavras)

- The verbs to say and to tell

- Imperative

- Adverbs of quantity - very, so, too, ...

- Adverbs of quantity - too much, too many, ...

- Prepositions of place - between, under, ...

- Prepositions of movement - to, from, ...

- Verbs of the senses

- Comparative adjectives

- Other comparatives

- Superlative adjectives

- Adverbs of manner - quickly, quietly, ...

- Other adverbs: time, place, ...

- Present Perfect

- Since, for, just
Not yet, still not, never
Yet?, already, still
Ever?, how long?

- Simple Past versus Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Continuous

- Past Perfect

- Past Perfect Continuous


Para alunos com um nível muito alto de Ingles ( Com a aquisicao de em média mais 600 palavras, acumulando um total de 2900 palavras ou mais dependendo de seus habitos de leitura)

- Compounds words with some

- Compounds words with any

- Compounds words with no

- Compounds words with very

- The pronoun one

- The adverb else

- Expressions of frequency

- Impersonal sentences with it

- I also like it, me too, so do I

- I don't like it either, neither do I

- Why don't ...?

- Past Continuous

- Gerund

- Gerund after prepositions

- Gerund after verbs

- Gerund after adjective + preposition

- Gerund + to do

- To do versus to make

- Gerund + to go

- To go + preposition - go on, go for,

- To get

- To get + preposition - get to, get in, ...

SOS English

Denise perguntou, Sarah Brush respondeu:

Tenho uma pergunta interessante... nos explique quando usamos o "if" e o "whether". Muitas vezes em português tem o mesmo significado e em inglês?Segunda pergunta... como vc traduziria "uttering"?É isso ai, Bjao,


"if", "whether" and "utterance"
good questions, and interesting to answer, because the use of "if" and "whether" depends on the context of the sentence.

i'm assuming that this question is based on the translation of your word "se". "se" can be "if" or "whether". and it is even good for english speakers, because i don't think that we use them correctly. it isn't hard to mix up, because "if" and "whether" are synonyms of each other. if you look in the dictionary, you'll see "whether" as one of the breakoff definitions for "if". the best answer i can give you, is that "if" is a conjunction that can be used for almost all imaginary clauses...examples of imaginary clauses:

1. IF it rains today, i won't go to the store.

2. i'll make a good grade IF i study hard. these clauses are imaginary, because they are not certain. IF they were certain, they would be a statement. : )

"whether" refers more to a specific imaginary clause, usually with only two outcomes. Webster's dictionary has the following definition: "which/whichever one of the two". not a very concrete definition, but it does show us that it is in a situation usually with two options:

1. he wondered WHETHER or not the mail had come. (either the mail came, or it didn't)"if" and "whether" can be used for the same situation. for example: 1. IF it rains today, i won't go to the store.

2. i'll go to the store, depending on WHETHER or not it rains today. in everyday english, "whether" is not used as much. "If" is not only much easier to say, but much easier to use loosely, as is the norm for colloquial language. *But please, give me an example of something in Portuguese, and then i can give you a more visual example to help you out.

Webster's defines "utterance" as 2 things:

1. vocal expression

2. power, style, manner of speakingto "utter" something really means to "say" something.it is simply a creative way to say "speak".

eh isso.

Sarah Brush

Americans go to Mexico for a cheaper perfect smile

By Robin Emmott Fri Feb 1,
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - It was fear of the hefty bill as much as fear of the drill that kept American musician Don Clay away from U.S. dental clinics for 30 years.
When a sorely infected tooth eventually drove him to the dentist last month, it was to a clinic in a Mexican border city better known for violent crime and drug cartels.
Shrugging off concerns about hygiene and Mexico's brutal drug war, thousands of Americans are heading to Ciudad Juarez and other Mexican border cities for cheap dental treatment.
"I had to get my teeth fixed. I need a perfect smile to make a successful career in music. Treatment in the United States is so pricey," said Clay, a Texan trying to get a record deal as a hip-hop artist.
U.S. dental treatment costs up to four times as much as in Mexico, making it tough for uninsured Americans to treat common problems such as abscessed teeth or pay for dentures.
A dental crown in the United States costs upward of $600 per tooth, compared to $190 or less in Mexico.
Aspiring Mexican dentists are moving to border cities in droves and are luring American patients away from farther flung discount destinations such as Hungary and Thailand.
Americans have long crossed the border for cheap medicines, flu vaccines, eye surgery or specialist doctors, but dentists are now in highest demand.
Dental clinics are on almost every block in central Ciudad Juarez, ranging from dingy dives to clinics that look more like posh hair salons. Getting there involves dodging prostitutes, drug pushers and cowboy-boot sellers.
"We've gone from a handful of patients when we started 2-1/2 years ago to 150 new patients a month," said Joe Andel, an American who owns the Rio Dental clinic in Ciudad Juarez with his Mexican dentist wife, Jessica.
Rio Dental, which uses U.S. labs to make its crowns, picks patients up at the airport in El Paso, Texas, across the border and has treated people from as far away as Alaska and Hawaii.
"The Internet makes this possible. It allows patients to find us and research us and shows we can do dental work of equal or superior quality to the United States," Andel said.
Internet bloggers swap stories and compare notes about Mexican dentists, but it always comes down to money.
Dentistry in the United States has become prohibitively expensive for some patients, with bills that can run to tens of thousands of dollars. Malpractice insurance premiums, operating costs that are much higher than in Mexico and dentists seeking to claw back the rising cost of their tuition all weigh.
Even among Americans who have medical insurance, many find they are not covered for treatment other than the basics, and paying on credit means high interest payments.
"I did $4,000 of dental work in the United States and put it on my credit card. Because of the interest, I only paid off $400 in three years," said a U.S. teacher from New Mexico getting treatment in Ciudad Juarez who gave his name as Bill.
Cosmetic dentistry, which insurers do not cover and which can be paid in dollars in many Mexican border clinics, is also popular, Ciudad Juarez dentist Luis Garza said.
"If you want a perfect smile, you have to pay for it, and we can do it cheaper, that's all," he grinned.
(Editing by Catherine Bremer and Eric Beech)

SOS Francais

Estou transferindo para esse espaco nosso SOS frances, da nossa comunidade no orkut Mes Amis. Anne Marie fez um excelente trabalho lá, mas as pessoas nem sempre podem consultar aquele espaco em especial porque esta infestado de vírus, por isso vamos transportar aos poucos.


Bonjour! Ça va Anne Marie?Peut etre vous pouve nous parler un peut des expretions avec metre, c'est dificille a retenir.Par exemple:mise en oeuvre/mise a jour...Aujourd'hui j'ai vu dans un magasine"mise à bas" j'étais surpris!


mettre ....sous totes ses formes
interessante la question de Bernardo ..j'ai été sidérée par le nombre d'expressions qu'on a avec le verbe "mettre" ...une recherche sur internet ( que j'ai un peu adapté) m'a donné les résultats suivants nb: qn=quelqu'un qch=quelque choseMETTRE

1. mettre du temps - J'ai mis plus d'une heure pour venir : il y avait tellement d'embouteillages.

2. mettre qch au point - Le photographe met au point son appareil photo avant de faire des photos.

3. mettre des ingrédients : du sel, du sucre, du poivre, etc- Tu ne mets pas de sucre dans ton café ?

4. mettre qch en place ( = l'installer ) - Le service d'urgence est mis en place pour aider les blessés.

5. mettre qn à la porte, à pied ( = le renvoyer ) - Si on me met à la porte, j'ai peur de ne rien trouver d'autre à mon âge.

6. mettre qch dans, sur, sous, etc., - Elle met toujours son portable dans le sac.

7. mettre des vêtements : une chemise, un pantalon, etc.,...- Elle va mettre sa plus belle robe pour aller à la soirée.

8. mettre le couvert, la table - Nadine, mets le couvert, s'il te plaît. Le dîner est prêt.

9. mettre de l'ordre (=ranger) - Le dimanche, je mets de l'ordre dans ma maison.

10. mettre qch en ordre / en désordre - Le dimanche, je mets ma chambre en ordre !

11. mettre ( qch, qn ) bas, à bas ( = abattre ) - On doit mettre bas ce mur.

12. mettre bas ( = accoucher ) La vache a mis bas cette nuit.

13. mettre qch en cause ( = trouver une raison à un accident)Il y a eu un crash d’avion, les experts mettent en cause la qualité du carburant)

14. mettre qch en mouvement, en marche, en service, en vente -

15. mettre qn à un endroit (= l'y mener, l'y accompagner ) - Le taxi nous a mis à la gare.

16. mettre qn en danger -

17. mettre qn en liberté ( le libérer ) -

18. mettre un malade en observation -

19. mettre qn en congé -

20. mettre qch à faire - mettre du café à chauffer, mettre du linge à sécher

METTRE ..... suite 1
21. mettre de l'argent, une grosse somme sur, dans, etc., mettre une grosse somme d’argent dans une affaire

22. mettre obstacle ( = empêcher )

23. mettre qn en colère, en fureur

24. mettre un enfant au lit( = le coucher)

25. mettre sur scène

26. mettre de l'huile sur le feu ( = envenimer une querelle )-
. mettre sous les yeux, sous le nez ( = montrer ) -

28. mettre sur le dos de qn ( = faire endosser la responsabilité -

29. mettre à l'épreuve ( = éprouver ) -

30. mettre la main sur qn (= l'arrêter) -

31. mettre la main à la pâte ( participer à un travail)-

32. mettre en présence ( = confronter )

33. mettre de côté ( = réserver ) -

34. mettre au monde ( = donner naissance ) -

35. mettre qn, qch à l'abri ( = l'abriter ) -

36. mettre de l'eau dans son vin ( = se modérer )

37. mettre qn à la tête d'un groupe

38. mettre qch à l'envers -

39. mettre qch à l'endroit

40. mettre la radio, la télévision, un disque -

41. mettre de la musique

42. mettre des couleurs -

43. mettre qch en bouteilles -

44. mettre la main sur le front, ses mains derrière le dos -

45. mettre qn à mort ( = l'exécuter )

46. mettre qch en lumière -

47. mettre en contact -

48. mettre en terre ( = planter )

49. mettre son nom, sa signature ( au bas d'une lettre, etc., )

50. mettre les bouts, les voiles ( = s'en aller ) -

METTRE ... suite 2
51. mettre qch en état ( = le préparer ) -

52. mettre un texte en français ( = traduire ) -

53. mettre du soin, de l'énergie à faire qch, mettre tout son coeur dans un travail

54. Il y met du sien ( = Il y met de la bonne volonté,Il a donné, payé de sa personne ) -

55. mettre dans le bon chemin -

56. mettre en forme ( = composer d'une manière régulière ) -

57. mettre les points sur les « i » ( = insister et préciser ) -

58. mettre bas les armes -

59. mettre qn de bonne / mauvaise humeur -

60. mettre qn hors de soi -

61. mettre de grands espoirs en qn ( = fonder )

62. se mettre du parfum -

63. se mettre à l'aise -

64. se mettre à genou -

65. se mettre debout ( = se lever ) -

66. se mettre devant, derrière qn, à côté de qn, etc.,

67. se mettre dans l'esprit, dans la tête ( = s'imaginer )

68. se mettre à l'abri ( = s'abriter )

69. se mettre à l'eau ( = se baigner ) -

70. se mettre à table ( = s'attabler ) -

71. se mettre dans un fauteuil ( = s'y asseoir ) -

72. se mettre dans une mauvaise situation

73. se mettre dans la peau de qn ( = à sa place ) -

74. se mettre nu -

75. se mettre en colère -

76. se mettre d'accord ( sur qch ) -

77. se mettre de la partie ( = s'associer ) -

78. se mettre du côté du plus fort ( = se ranger du côté )

79. se mettre en communication avec qn ( = entrer en communication avec )

81. se mettre aux mathématiques ( = commencer à les étudier )

82. se mettre au travail, à travailler

83. se mettre à rire, à pleurer, à boire, etc., - Il se met à pleuvoir.

84. Le temps se met au froid ( = devient ) -

85. Il ne sait plus où se mettre ( il est honteux, gêné, embarrasé )

86. Il faut se mettre de la ceinture ( =se priver )

87. Quelle drôle d'idée il s'est mise dans la tête ! ( = se fourrer ) -

88. Elle n'a plus rien à se mettre ( =elle n'a plus de vêtements pour s'habiller convenablement -
89. Mettons que je n'ai ( ou que je n'aie ) rien dit ( = admettons que, supposons que ) -

90.METTRE ... fin
si une expression vous échappe et vous interpelle ....je peux vous répondre