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Pergunta do Octavio:Visto de Imigrante residente para Alberta mudou!!
Pedido de visto de Imigrante residente para Alberta mudou !O a província de Alberta agora pode fazer a seleção dos pretendentes. O acordo fora assinado com o governo do Canadá em 11/07. (como no Quebec)Estou no Brasil, e não estou encontrando a relação de exigências e formulários para solicitação do visto da província de Alberta.Assim que for divulgado alguém poderia me informar?
Abraço para todos e obrigado
Octávio Paixão
octavio.paixao@yahoo.caResposta da Mariana Estevan:ALBERTA - Date Updated: Nov 01, 2007
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
1.What is the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program?
The Alberta Provincial Nominee Program facilitates the immigration of skilled workers and the transfer of experience to address critical skill shortages within the Alberta economy by expediting the landed immigrant status process.The intent of the Alberta PNP is to create direct, economic benefit to the provincial economy by assisting Alberta employers facing critical skill shortages through the recruitment and retention of highly skilled foreign workers. The Alberta PNP is employer-driven. Only Alberta employers can apply to the program to recruit or retain employees who meet critical skill shortages.
2.Who is eligible to make application to the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program?
Alberta companies that are eligible to apply to the PNP are defined as incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada, operating as a business that has an established production capacity, plant or place of business in Alberta.Employers are reminded that the Alberta PNP is a strategic program, focused at high skilled occupations. These occupations typically fall within the Skill Type O, or Skill Levels A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes.
3.I would like to immigrate to Alberta, but I do not have an employer or a job offer. Can I still apply to the Alberta provincial Nominee Program?
No. Individuals who wish to immigrate to Alberta but do not have job offer or employment with an approved Alberta employer may contact Citizenship Immigration Canada to apply for immigration.
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